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15 Fun (and Random) Facts About Me

I’ve shared some of the ins and outs of myself before, more so in a professional and/or parent role, so today I thought it would be fun to share a variety of things about me that are a little more fun than the typical fare.

1.I don’t have a middle name, which seems weird in the Canadian culture, but is actually quite normal in the Estonian culture……except for my younger sister does have a middle name lol (as do both my kids). It bothered me when I was a kid, but now I think it is kind of cool!

2. I have always known that I wanted to be a mom and have lots of kids…..like since I was 4. I was SOOOO excited when my sister was born (I was 6 then) that I basically told my parents she was my baby and proceeded to take care of her……that is until I entered the teen years and then was so annoyed that she followed me around everywhere

3. When I was little I wanted to me a marine biologist…call me crazy but it sounded so cool, except for the fact that I am always cold and hate getting into cold water, oh and then the sharks and other animals that might potentially bite down under in the sea. Short lived dream, phew!

4. My nickname in high school was ‘smiley Kaili’, but I was painfully shy. To the point that I would literally stay home with nothing to do because calling a friend seemed way too out of my comfort zone.

5. To this day I am still an introvert, and prefer smaller one on one gatherings versus group gatherings. Go figure that one of my passions is running the Babies @ Play groups for mamas and their littles. But in all seriousness, large groups and small chat exhaust me and I much prefer to do my own thing.

6.I have 2 kids, Kristjan (3.5) and Eevi (13 months)……& they are my world. Like seriously, my heart beats for my my son and daughter. Out of all the things I have ever done and will ever do in my life, they are my greatest accomplishments. When I feel unmotivated or am struggling with what the right thing to do is, I always ask myself, “What advice would I give them?” & “What would I want them to do in this moment?”

7.Both my kids were born at 42.2 weeks and neither one wanted to come out…..they had to be evicted. I had a (somewhat forced) elective C-section with my first-born, Kristjan. This birth was a traumatic one for me, largely due to the lack of support that I had…. My second was an induction that ended in a successful VBAC – yay!

8.Before kids, I was in an Estonian Folk Dancing group both in Toronto and in New York City. We even had folk dancing at our wedding and my husband and I participated in the Estonian Wedding Folk Dance in my wedding dress and leather slipper type things, called ‘pastlad’.

9.I love arts & crafts, but am not super great at finishing projects! I also usually teach myself different crafts by reading books or watching Youtube videos. I have taught myself how to knit, crochet, quilt, sew, and I oft course even used to make very intricate friendship bracelets. I always have some project on the go, and cannot watch TV without keeping my hands busy (otherwise I snack…oy!)

10.My favourite food is blood sausage, a traditional Estonian Christmas food. Yes, I know it sounds kind of strange and perhaps gross, but really it is so delicious!!! It is basically barley, pork parts (believe me, it is better not to know all the parts), and of course blood, all wrapped in a sausage casing and then boiled. We then bake it to make the outside crispy and the inside nice, tender, soft, and delicious …oh, and we add some bacon on top during the cooking process to make it even more delicious!

11.I love wandering through stores that sell office supplies, craft supplies, books, and organizing stuff. I also always want to spend money at those places.

12.I met my now husband, Taivo, in Estonia in 2009. We were both there for the song and dance festival that happens in Estonia every 5 years. We met at the bar initially and then again in front of a random beer tent at the festival with over 100,000 people in attendance. After 3 days of hanging out together while in Estonia, I was 100% sure this was my future husband (of course I didn’t tell him that right away….that would have scared him off :-P)

13.I started 2 businesses while on ‘mat leave’ with my daughter Eevi…..I do NOT recommend this!!! My businesses are like my other babies and take up a lot more time and learning that I ever thought!

14.I am an essential oil junky!!! I truly believe the saying, “there’s an oil for that”. We use oils daily in our house….many, many oils! I think I have at least 100 different oil bottles in my house (and they are EVERYWHERE….bathroom, kitchen, office, living room, bedroom, diaper bag, purse, work bag)

15.I used to think spirituality, astrology, moonology, and all that jazz was just hocus pocus, and now I am fully embracing it and learning as much as I can about it! I even signed up for a year long Feminine Wisdom Power training this year, where we join in a women’s circle at each full and new moon!

Now, what about you guys? Share a couple of random things about yourself in the comments. I’d love to read some fun facts!

Picture of Kaili Ets

Kaili Ets

I help overwhelmed and exhausted moms create a clear action plan around their baby's sleep, developmental, reflux, and overall functioning so they can tune into and trust their mama instincts and feel like the confident super moms they are.

hi! I'm Kaili!

Lovingly known as the Holistic Baby Guru. I have a passion for normalizing and bringing clarity around baby sleep, development, reflux, and more. Wife and mom of two, I understands the importance of trusting your mama instincts. I am on a mission to help mamas tune into their intuition and feel like the confident super moms they are. I like to think of myself as an approachable authority on all things baby-related, as that I provides down-to-earth advice that makes everyone feel like they can do this parenting thing!

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